Kentucky Colonels International Changes its Name
Kentucky International: A New Name for a New Era Kentucky Colonels International , established in 1998, is being re-established, reformed, a...
Kentucky International: A New Name for a New Era Kentucky Colonels International , established in 1998, is being re-established, reformed, a...
A Kentucky Colonelcy is a Great Honor to Behold There are few things that date back in American History (Americana) that inspire a more comm...
New Blog for the Kentucky Colonel This blog is dedicated to those who have received a commission as a Kentucky Colonel . The content he...
The last two Famous Colonels may have appeared as Colonels in 1965 in Bluegrass , as Colonel Sanders explains how to make a mint julep and C...
Kentucky International: A New Name for a New Era Kentucky Colonels International , established in 1998, is being re-established, reformed, a...
The famous title, the name, the idea; as well as the rights, privileges and responsibilities of the Kentucky Colonel are now going before th...